WAKE UP YOUR VOCATION project, which involves educational centers, students, parents and public and private entities to reduce the gap between the educational system and the job market to favor the labor insertion of young people
This innovative initiative, which unites Spain, Italy, Belgium and Croatia, has begun its first phase with a study on the possibilities of finding employment for young people between 12 and 18 years old, in which more than 1,600 students from over of 30 educational centers have already participated
The objective of the project is to provide teaching staff with the resources and basic skills in career guidance that will allow them to guide their students in deciding on their professional future, thus facilitating their access to the job market
Open to new schools. Teachers and parents interested in having their educational centers join the project can now request their participation through the email info@wakeup-vocation.eu

WAKE UP YOUR VOCATION is a European initiative integrated into the Erasmus+ 2021-2027 program, which seeks to reduce the gap between the education system and the current job market by involving young people between 12 and 18 years of age, teachers, parents and tutors, and public entities and private. The project, which unites Spain, Italy, Belgium and Croatia, has begun its first phase with a study in which more than 1,600 students from more than 30 educational centers have already participated.
This European training project is led by the Fundación Santa María la Real, through its Area of Employment and Entrepreneurship (Spain), and together with it the Agenzia regionale per il lavoro la formazione e l’accreditamento (Italy), Goethe-Institut e.V. (Belgium) and Zaklada Znanje na djelu (Croatia).
Throughout this year, the first phase of analysis of the project is being developed, which seeks to discover the reality of the young group and understand the expectations regarding the professional future of young people, their teachers and parents or guardians, the possibilities of labor insertion, or the sources of information that influence them to make decisions about the profession they want to choose.
The questionnaire -which has already been completed by more than 1,600 students- includes questions related to their knowledge of the work carried out by professionals of the studies that interest them; the link that the profession of their parents has in the decision about their future employment; the aspects that most influence when choosing what to study, such as the economic aspect, job opportunities or proximity to home; if you are aware of the educational options available to you; or if you participate in the work orientation activities of your educational center.
The results of the first phase will make it possible to determine job orientation skills through an innovative methodology to later help students design their academic and training itinerary based on their knowledge, and that they have the necessary preparation in terms of employability skills. and job orientation.
Teacher Resources
The innovative nature of the project lies in the methodology developed since, although the students are the ones who benefit from the program, the initiative takes care of their teachers. In addition, the skills and knowledge acquired will remain in the educational centers, even after the group of students advised has completed their training at the center.
More than 600 students from 30 educational centers will participate in the activities of this project, which studies and promotes general and transversal skills, without focusing on a specific profession or skill. Through the methodology used, students are guided in the type of work they could do and the professional profile they wish to become.
Teachers and parents interested in having their educational centers join WAKE UP YOUR VOCATION can request their participation through the email info@wakeup-vocation.eu

Digital, equal and sustainable Europe
Promoting the collaborative work of young people through the development of intercultural skills and critical thinking is one of the objectives pursued by this European project, which encourages its teachers to form an active work group with their students and assume their role as part of the engine that will lead to a digital, equal and sustainable Europe in the coming decades.
In addition, it seeks to make both students and their families aware of the reality of the labor market in Europe, the new skills demanded in digitalized sectors and that support sustainability, as well as the academic or professional training options available to them. In this sense, it will bring students and the private sector closer to generate a better understanding and connection of their realities, especially in rural areas, and will promote social inclusion through equality, the promotion of digitization and environmental challenges.
About the Erasmus+ program
Erasmus+ 2021-2027 is the renewed program of the European Union in the fields of education and training, youth and sport, which offers opportunities for all people and in all educational sectors (School Education, Vocational Training, Higher Education and Education of Adult Persons).
This new Erasmus+ is more international, more inclusive, more digital and more ecological, supporting digital transformation, inclusion and diversity, as well as the environment and the fight against climate change. With a budget of more than 28,000 million euros, mobility and cross-border cooperation projects related to learning will be financed for 10 million people of all ages and from all origins.
In Spain, the Erasmus+ program is managed by the Spanish Service for the Internationalization of Education (SEPIE), a public body attached to the Ministry of Universities that acts as the National Agency for the program in the fields of education and training.